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Mini courses will be given by
Alireza Abdollahi, Non-inner automorphisms of groups of prime power order. Neda Ahanjideh, Characterization of finite simple groups by non-commuting graph. Kursat Aker, Multiplicative generators for the Hecke ring of the Gelfand pair (S(2n), H(n)). Seyed Hassan Alavi, Parabolic triple factorisations and their associated geometries. Fatma Altunbulak Aksu, Essential cohomology of finite groups. Ali Reza Ashrafi, On the power graph of a finite group. Risto Atanasov, Solitary solvable p-groups. Amir Bahrami, Computing topological index of some graphs by automorphism groups. Afshin Behmaram, Symmetry group of fullerenes. Antonio Beltran, Normal subgroups and G-conjugacy class sizes. Ashraf Daneshkhah, On locally G-distance transitive subdivision graphs. Mohammad Reza Darafsheh, Computations concerning the automorphism groups of graphs. Kivanc Ersoy, Infinite groups with anticentral elements and infinite Camina groups. Gholamhossein Fathtabar Firouzjaei, On 11-decomposable finite groups. Mahnaz Foroudi Ghasemabadi, r-Recognazibility of some simple groups of Lie type in characteristic 3 by prime graph and spectrum. Ismail Suayib Guloglu, On a result of I.M. Isaacs. Eylem Guzel Karpuz, On Grobner Shirshov bases of some groups and monoids. Peter Hegarty, Automorphisms, commutativity measures and sets of integers without arithmetic progressions. Maria Loukaki, Average character degree of finite groups. Daria Lytkin, On periodic groups saturated by direct products of finite simple groups. Ayan Mahalanobis, The MOR cryptosystem and extra-special p-groups. Natalia Maslova, On the composition and the main factors of a finite group in which all maximal subgroups are Hall subgroups. Juan Medina, TBA Mohammad Reza R. Moghaddam, Some properties of autocentral automorphisms of a group. Zohreh Mostaghim, Some results on Z-permutable subgroups. Arun Muktibodh, On Camina group and its generalizations. Franciska Petenyi, Comparing estimates on the number of zeros of the characters of finite groups. Eugene Plotkin, On equations in simple algebras. Danila Revin, An analogue of the Baer-Suzuki theorem for the π-radical of finite groups. Ali Sager, On homology of groups with coefficients in free metabelian Lie powers. Mohammad Reza Salarian, Odd characterizations for finite simple groups. Josu Sangroniz, 2-Groups with few rational conjugacy classes. Mahender Singh, The Wells exact sequence of a group extension and applications. Andrey Vasi´lev, On finite groups with the given set of element orders. Zahra Yarahmadi, On characteristic subgraph of a graph.